I’m an American technologist and expert generalist from Dallas, Texas. Originally trained in physics, I have deep skills in AI, cognitive science, and software architecture. I currently work for Amazon Web Services solving complex multi-dimensional problems, but my opinions are my own; I do not speak for them or any prior employer. Recently I’ve been active in defining a new conceptual grounding for AI alignment, and in researching aggregate (aka collective) intelligence. My long-term project is defining broad information theory (BIT), a new extension of information theory that formalizes how solutions from one domain of knowledge can be transferred to others.
Please note there are several different people named David Rostcheck on the internet; this is the academic website of the technologist from Dallas.
Note also: I’m currently collaborating with writing partner Lara Scheibling, see laradavidai.com
The Elephant in the Room: Why AI Safety Demands Diverse Teams (w/ Lara Scheibling M.Ed) is now accepted for publication at FICC 2025. Publication version:
Create a Retail Site with Amazon Q [AWS Workshop] (12/5/24)
Create Agents with code interpretation capabilities ****[AWS GitHub Sample notebook] ****(7/16/24)
The Elephant in the Room: Why AI Safety Demands Diverse Teams (w/ Lara Scheibling M.Ed) (4/21/24 - arixiv preprint, also web version) - now accepted for presentation at FICC 2025 and in the Springer conference volume
Leopold Aschenbrenner’s “Situational Awareness” paper explained and critiqued (7/24/24, YouTube playlist)
Effectively Resolving System Problems: Stabilize, Analyze, Remediate (10/1/2023)
The Effect of Connectivity on Aggregate Intelligence (9/29/2023, also on Medium)