Discussion w/ Anthropic Claude 8/12/23:

DR: Are you aware of any intelligence research on aggregate entities, such as corporations, governments, other organizations, or swarms?


There is some initial research examining collective intelligence in aggregate entities, but it is still an emerging area:

So in summary, there are pockets of research on intelligence in aggregate entities and systems. But significant gaps exist, and more rigorous quantification and testing would help advance this area. The research is spread across many disciplines presently. Overall, it remains an open, intriguing frontier for future study.


Ok, that is helpful. Suppose you are a scientist and that you have the following thesis: that aggregating entities together via communication pathways creates an aggregate intelligence that could potentially outperform any of the individual entities on their own, as communication allows them to share information and cancel out each other's weaknesses, in the way that ensembles of different models do in machine learning. You theorize that communication structure plays an important role in the effective intelligence of the aggregation and want to study this. How would you proceed?


That is an interesting thesis to explore around collective intelligence emerging from communication structures. Here is one approach I could see taking as a scientist to study this: