Pattern: Cellular architecture
Description: A large scale structure is built from a large number of individual much smaller elements of a common type
Theorized solution to:
- Resistance to degradation: damage to random or confined small areas does not disable function of the structure because many equivalent such elements remain
- Scalability: ?
Found in:
- information technology: data centers are built from individual compute units
Pattern: Cellular architecture with self-replicating elements
Description: A large scale structure is built from a large number of individual much smaller elements of a common type that can self-replicate
Theorized solution to:
- Enhanced resistance to degradation: damage to random or confined small areas does not disable function of the structure because many equivalent such elements remain
- Solving information propagation through time
- Adapting to the environment
- Exploring the environment
Found in:
- biology: organisms built from individual cells
- business: corporations are built from individual workers with defined roles
- government: nations constituted of individual citizens
- ecology: plant and animal populations are composed of individual plants and animals