Ecosystems are composed of interacting populations of plant and animal species
A population is composed of many different individual members of the same species
Individual members have their own agency
But overall behavior of the population is predictable
Ecosystems tend to be self-correcting
Smaller organisms with faster reproduction rate (and shorter lifespans) adapt more quickly
An ecosystem is an example of an emergent stable solution to the problem of maximizing resource utilization from the environment
Even hostile environments with extreme conditions tend to have thriving ecosystems
Ecosystems are fractal
Summary of key patterns:
Large scale stability in population patterns
Very large number of individual population members (who are replaceable)
Emergence of organisms to fill every available niche
Competition and synergistic cooperation between populations
Fractal organization
Pattern of information propagation to successive generations (via genes)
The ecosystem pattern represents the to the problem of
statistically-based solution
maximizing use of available resources
Other appearances of the ecosystem pattern: